Admissions as a Chorister | St Mary's Music School, Edinburgh | Chorister of St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral

Admission as a Chorister


Admission as a Chorister

We welcome applications from boys and girls aged 7 and 8 (Primary 3 and Primary 4) who love to sing and are prepared to commit to the full five-year chorister programme. There is no requirement for any religious affiliation and we accept children of all faiths and none.

On successfully auditioning, children in Primary 4 can become probationers, which means they stay at their own school and take part in Choral Evensong at St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral every Tuesday after school, as well as Sunday Eucharist every week. This is great preparation for becoming a full-time chorister with us in Primary 5 and joining St Mary’s Music School as a pupil.

Although starting in Primary 5 is ideal, it can occasionally be possible to join in Primary 6, if places are available and, very occasionally, a chorister with previous singing experience might join after Primary 6. Choristers commit to a full five-year programme (Primary 5 to Senior 2) or, for boys, until their voice changes, whichever is sooner.

admissions guide for choristers

The application process

Stage 1 | Application enquiry

Complete the Chorister Enquiry Form which the Organist and Master of the Music at the Cathedral will review and meet with the young singer and their parents or guardians to advise if an audition is appropriate and answer any questions.


Stage 2 | Audition

If an audition is felt to be appropriate, the Organist and Master of the Music will refer you to the Admissions Department to apply for a chorister place at St Mary’s Cathedral and St Mary’s Music School and an audition will be set up. The Organist and Master of the Music at the Cathedral, and the Director of Music and Headteacher from St Mary’s Music School, will make up the Audition Panel.

St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral choristers performing

Young singers should prepare a song that they know well, and which has both high notes and low notes to demonstrate the full range needed to be part of the Cathedral Choir. There will be an accompanist at the audition and if appropriate, children can also perform on any instrument they’re studying. This is not a requirement for entry but will help to give the Panel an indication of musicality.  
We also ask auditioning children to read a passage of text out loud, and to carry out some short aural tests, simple vocal exercises and to sing notes from simple chords. Finally, there will be a short academic assessment with the Head of Primary at St Mary’s Music School and a parental/guardian discussion with the Vice Provost of the Cathedral.

Stage 3 | Audition result

Following the audition, the Panel will convene and an audition result will be sent via email within five days, which may include an offer to join the five-year chorister programme.
