Admissions | St Mary's Music School | A leading music school in Edinburgh


AdmissionS FOR instrumentalistS, singers,  and CHORISTERs

Join us on a musical journey where every pupil contributes to the beautiful symphony of St Mary’s Music School

We’re looking for potential, passion, dedication, talent, musicality, and above all, to see if you have the required abilities to access the specialist music education on offer at St Mary’s Music School!

Young instrumentalists, aged from 9 to 19 years, may apply for a place at St Mary’s Music School with boarding options opening up for those in S1 and above. New pupils can join the School in any year.

We accept pupils as first-study singers from S2 (typically aged 12-13 years) through to the Senior 6 and Senior 6 Extension Year (age 18) and new pupils may enter the School in all years although, for international pupils, the usual points of entry are S1, 2 or 3 (Years 8, 9 or 10); S 5 (Year 12) for two or three years and S 6 (Year 13) for two years.

The admissions process for choristers is organised between the Organist and Master of the Cathedral Music and St Mary’s Music School. Together we’ll look for a quick mind, a good sense of pitch and rhythm and a clear voice. You don’t need to have had any experience of singing in a choir but you’ll often have some experience of learning a musical instrument.

Pupils in an orchestral rehearsal making notes


explore ADMISSION AS A singer


Admission Events

A fantastic opportunity to discover what being a St Mary’s Music School pupil is all about

Why not join us to take a peek behind the scenes and find out what it’s really like to be a pupil at St Mary’s Music School!

Throughout the year, we hold Virtual Open Days, Instrumental Taster Days, Vocal Taster Days and Chorister Taster Days, giving potential pupils a fantastic opportunity to find out just what being a St Mary’s Music School pupil is all about.

If you’ve already made friends with St Mary’s Music School, perhaps through our Saturday Music Classes, then you may already know a little bit about us already, but we encourage you to explore our website in detail to discover the rich tapestry of opportunities we offer through our specialist musical education.

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Financial Support & Eligibility

Comprehensive financial support

We offer comprehensive financial support through the Scottish Government’s Aided Places scheme, Cathedral Bursaries, and our own School Bursary Fund.

At St Mary’s Music School, we passionately believe in the transformative power of music education for every child with the potential to access it – that’s why we work hard to ensure that economic considerations never limit a child's access to our world-class musical education.

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explore FINANCIAL  support

explore FEES