We are accepting applications for boarding and day places for Autumn 2020 entry. 

If you would like to find out more, including information about the Aided Places Scheme, please email admissions@st-marys-music-school.co.uk




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Instrumental Taster Days

Join our pupils and take part in a fun and interactive day of music.

St Mary's Music School hosts a number of instrumental taster days throughout the year. Our taster days are designed to give young people with a passion and talent for music an insight into what it is like to be a pupil here. 

Our next Instrumental Taster Day is on 06 October 2024. Please click the link below to register for the event:

Instrumental Taster Day Registration

To take part, all applicants must have been taking lessons on their chosen instrument for a minimum of 12 months.

Experience a day at a specialist music school, interactive music sessions and expert guidance from our teaching staff.

Bring your instrument and dive into a world of melody and rhythm! 
Contact our admissions department, admissions@smms.uk to add your name to our contact list or for more information. 



Stay in Touch

We hold many events throughout the year, from Open Days to free masterclasses with exceptional musicians. If you would like to receive news of future events sign up to receive our regular e-news. 




Instrumental Learning

Choir School

Saturday Music Classes


St Mary’s Music School is one of the nine specialist Music and Dance Schools the UK (and the only one in Scotland)  funded by the UK Government and providing the finest training in Britain. It is a co-educational, non-denominational specialist music school, offering a world class standard of music and academic education to musically gifted children aged 9-19 years. It is also the Choir School of St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral in Edinburgh. It attracts day and boarding pupils from across Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Europe and internationally. 

Learn more > 

 Sign-up to hear about the latest news and events


St Mary's Music School Trust Ltd, Registered No: 54504
St Mary's Music School Trust Limited is a charity No. SC014611
Registered Office: Coates Hall, 25 Grosvenor Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 5EL.